Grants Committee

Grants Chairman

Dr. Kaizad P. Tamboli MD

The Grant Committee is composed of community leaders that are approved by the GCCF Board of Directors. Many of the committee have served on non-profit boards of directors and bring a strong understanding and appreciation for the work of the non-profit sector. Other members have served in educational capacities here on the coast and other parts of the United States.

The charge of the Gulf Coast Community Foundation Grants Committee is to review requests for grants from the various Funds of the Foundation; as well as, requests for funding from local non-profit organizations. With the approval of the Board, the Grants Committee develops general and specific policies for the Committee’s guidance in passing on requests for grants. The grants approved by the Grants Committee are confirmed by the Board or the Executive Committee.

While this process sounds simple, it is difficult at best. The number of requests that the committee receives and the merits of those requests are absolutely astounding. Our committee reads each and reviews each in depth. The hardest part for us is turning down a request or not fully funding one. Typically, but not always, we strive to grant those needs that are reusable. In 2003-04, the Community Foundation helped more people through grants to non-profit organizations than any other time in our history. GCCF gave a total of $750,000 in grants. It is exciting to see all that is happening around us and even more to know that our philanthropy continues to be at the cornerstone of everything we do. Thank you for your gifts to make this past year a success. I can’t wait to see what’s in store for this year.

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