Giving back to our community –now and forever- is at the heart of the Community Foundation. Funds held by the Community Foundation improve the quality of life in our community and will provide continued support for our community into the future.
The funds listed in this section are the core of the Community Foundation, both endowed and pass through funds. These funds are the major source of the grants that support the diversity of the Mississippi Gulf Coast’s nonprofit programs.
Endowed Funds
Anthony Dartez Endowment Fund
Grants to the training and educational needs of physically and mentally challenged citizens of Hancock, Harrison and Jackson Counties. Applications accepted in the spring by contacting GCCF or on the website.
Ashley Hopkins Memorial Scholarship
To provide camperships for girls who otherwise would be financially unable to attend summer camps or to provide other enrichment opportunities for girls as determined by the selection committee.
Bacot Foundation Fund
To benefit specific charitable purposes, to be designated later. Grant recommended by the donor.
Biloxi First Endowment Fund
Established to benefit Biloxi education system through teacher grants. Grants recommended by Biloxi First Board of Directors.
Blue Caillavet Athletic Scholarship Scholarship
Benefits a worthy female or male athlete from Biloxi High School. Blue Caillavet graduated from Biloxi High School in 1931 as a four-letter athlete. Scholarships are recommended by the Career Center Manager from Biloxi High School.
Boys & Girls Club of the Gulf Coast
Grants are awarded annually to the Boys & Girls Club of the Gulf Coast.
Boys & Girls Club of the Gulf Coast Scholarship
The Boys & Girls Club of the Gulf Coast recommends scholarships annually.
Career Women’s Club Scholarship
To award scholarship to any non-traditional student enrolled in a minimum of 9 semester hours in a program leading to a degree. Applications accepted in the spring by contacting GCCF office or on the website.
Carl M. Crawford Fund-A donor
Advised fund to benefit children in Jackson County. Grants recommended by the donor.
Coast Episcopal Tuition Fund
Grants awarded annually to Coast Episcopal for tuition assistance.
Dorothy M. Eaton Scholarship for the Performing Arts
One Scholarship is awarded annually to a senior at Gulfport High School in the performing arts. Grants recommended by Gulfport High School.
Dr. Philip Terrell Excellence in Education Endowment Fund
Benefits public education in the Pass Christian Public Schools. Grants recommended by Pass Christian Public School Administration.
Eileen S. & Earl C. Whittemore, Jr Fund
To provide annual Scholarships to the field of Health Care with the emphasis for but not solely limited to Nursing Education, including Holistic medicine and the mind body and spirit. To also provide funding for programs aimed to protect and preserve water fowl habitats and flyways on the Mississippi Gulf Coast. Grants recommended by the donor.
Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Program Fund
To fund energy efficiency and renewable energy programs.
Griffin Stewart Memorial Choir Scholarship
To provide scholarships to deserving choir students at Gulfport High School and recognize and an outstanding Bayou View Middle School choir student each year.
Gulf Coast Community Foundation Endowment
Provides ongoing support for Foundation programs and operations.
Gulf Coast Education Initiative Fund
Supports programs in the areas of professional development, technology training and administration of National Board Certification for its member teachers. Grants recommended by the donor.
Gulf Coast Education Initiative Hardin Challenge
Supports programs in the areas of professional development, technology training and administration of National Board Certification for its member teachers. Grants recommended by the donor.
Gulf Coast Symphony Orchestra Fund
Provides sustaining support and ensures the future of live symphonic music on the Mississippi Gulf Coast. Grants recommended by Gulf Coast Symphony Orchestra.
Gulf Coast Symphony Orchestra Conductors Fund
To provide funding for chartered purposes for the Gulf Coast Symphony Orchestra. Grants recommended by the Gulf Coast Symphony Orchestra.
Gulf Coast Symphony Orchestra Sheet Music Fund
To purchase sheet music and other materials needed for the Gulf Coast Symphony Orchestra. Grant recommended by the donor.
Gulfport Excellence Fund
Improves the quality of education in the Gulfport School District by making teacher grants. Grants recommended by Gulfport High School.
Gulfport Family Events Committee Fund
To promote and provide free family fun events in Gulfport, MS such as “Cinema by the Shore.”
Gulfport Gridiron Club Education Scholarship
For a graduating senior who attends Long Beach, Biloxi High, Gulfport High, Harrison Central, D’Iberville, Pass Christian and St. Patrick Catholic High School. Grants recommended by the Athletic Director from each school.
Hancock Whitney Associate Assistance Endowed Fund
To assist qualified associates of Hancock Bank, Whitney Bank and subsidiaries with personal needs during times of unexpected and unavoidable emergencies or disasters causing financial hardships.
Hancock County Chamber of Commerce
To enhance educational opportunities in Hancock County. To be used to give annual scholarships to Hancock County high school students and for other educational endeavors such as granting a teacher the dollars to obtain national certification. Grant recommended by the donor.
Hannah H. Hatfield Fund
Awards five grants to outstanding educators from the Gulfport Public School District to ensure excellence in education. Grants recommended by Gulfport Junior Auxiliary.
Harold & Mary Perlman Scholarship
Scholarships to students from the three coastal counties. Scholarships to MGCCC/Perkinston, USM & William Carey Colleges only. Applications accepted in the spring by contacting GCCF or the website.
Isiah Fredericks Education Fund
Awards a grant each spring to a new education project in the Gulfport or Harrison County School Districts. Applications accepted in the spring by contacting GCCF or the website.
Jack A. Wilson Engineering Scholarship Fund
Annually from the earnings to provide scholarship for college, junior college or graduate school students entering their third or more years of Engineering education in Jackson, Harrison and Hancock Counties. Applications accepted in the spring by contacting GCCF or on the website.
Jack A. and Gertrude W. WilsonAnimal Welfare Fund
Designated to support animal welfare to non-profits.
James F. and Linda C. Watts
A donor advised fund established to support a variety of charitable causes in South Mississippi.
James S. Eaton Scholarship
One Scholarship is awarded annually to the valedictorian at Gulfport High School.
J.B. & Dixie Knight Found Awards
Grants to nonprofit organizations. Grants recommended by the donor.
Jerry & JoAnn St. Pe’ Scholarship Fund
Scholarships awarded annually in Jackson County. Grants recommended by the school.
Kevin L. Rayburn Memorial Fund
Scholarship for a graduating senior from the Stone High School Band Drum Line with good moral and Christian character, and all graduating seniors who are members of the Ebenezer Baptist Church or children of members for the Ebenezer Baptist Church.
Knight Foundation Donor Advised Fund
Grants are awarded in the areas of education, well-being of children & families, housing & community development, civic engagement, and vitality of cultural life, benefiting residents of Harrison County. Grants recommended by the Knight Foundation Committee.
Lawrence & Lucimarian Roberts Helpline
Scholarship To benefit students currently majoring in a behavioral health science field (i.e. social work, psychology, counseling) or plan to major in one of these areas. Applications accepted in the spring by contacting GCCF or on the website.
Leo W. Seal, Jr. Scholarships
Fund To provide college scholarships to qualified dependents of associates at Hancock Bank, Whitney Bank and subsidiaries.
Leo W. Seal Teacher Recognition Award Fund
Awards five grants to public and private school teachers in Forrest, Harrison, Hancock, Jackson, Pearl River, Jefferson Davis and Lamar Counties who best apply their teaching and leadership skills in classroom projects. Applications available at Hancock Bank Branches.
Lynn Meadows Discovery Center Fund
This fund, established by Lynn Meadows, provides ongoing and perpetual financial support to the Center.
Mary & Gene Levens Scholarship
Annual scholarship to a senior at Long Beach High School. Grants recommended by Long Beach Chamber of Commerce.
Memorial Hospital of Gulfport Foundation
To provide funding for chartered purposes for the Memorial Hospital of Gulfport Foundation. Grants recommended by the donor.
MS Gulf Coast YMCA-Wyman Fund
Promotes youth academic excellence and supports the development of the “whole person”. Grants recommended by the YMCA.
Mueller Family Foundation Fund
Donor designated grants to non-profit organizations. Grants recommended by the donor.
Ocean Springs Education Foundation
Fund Provides funding to improve the quality of education in the Ocean Springs School District. Grants recommended by the donor.
Our Mother of Sorrows Church Endowment Fund
Challenges the congregation of Our Mother of Sorrows Church to raise matching funds for their operations. Grants recommended by the donor.
Pat Santucci Friends of Public Education Funds
Awards grants for special education projects in Jackson, Harrison, Hancock, Pearl River, George and Stone Counties. Applications accepted in the spring by contacting GCCF or on the website.
Partnership for Philanthropic Planning Fund
Rotary Club of Biloxi Fund
To provide grants for the charitable purposes set forth in the Policies and Bylaws of the Foundation after receiving recommendations from the Board of Directors of the Rotary Club of Biloxi.
Rotary Club of Biloxi Scholarship Fund
A scholarship program is open to any graduating senior whose parent(s) or legal guardian(s) reside in the City of Biloxi, any home schooled senior student, registered with the County Attendance Office whose parent(s) or legal guardian(s) reside in Biloxi; any graduating senior whose parent is a member of the Rotary Club of Biloxi. Applications accepted in the spring by contacting GCCF or on the website.
Rotary Club of Gulfport Scholarship
Fund Applicants must be a resident of the City of Gulfport and have an ACT composite score of at least 24 or an SAT combined total of at least 1100. Students receiving a full athletic scholarship or attending a U.S. military service academy are not eligible. Children of Rotarians are not eligible. Applications accepted in the spring by contacting GCCF or on the website.
Roy Anderson Corporation Fund
To benefit charities who target low to middle income neighborhoods, form partnerships between arts and neighborhood organizations by developing art projects for children. Benefits children in the six southern most counties. Applications accepted in the spring by contacting GCCF or on the website.
Shaw University Endowment Fund
Benefits Shaw University’s Maintenance Fund for the Talbert O. Shaw learning and Language Center. Grants recommended by the donor.
St. Alphonsus School Tuition Fund
St. Alphonsus School will be the beneficiary of annual disbursements for the purpose of paying tuition to the school of deserving and or needy children.
St. Patrick Catholic High School Fund
The school is the beneficiary of the grants from this fund for the purpose of paying tuition to the school of deserving and or needy children.
Stewart Sneed Hewes Fund
Scholarship assistance to graduating seniors of public and private high schools in Biloxi and Gulfport. Grants recommended by the Biloxi and Gulfport Chamber of Commerce.
Tommye Williamson Alfonso Fund
For charitable purposes with an emphasis to benefit children.
Tougaloo College Scholarship Fund
To benefit Tougaloo College’s student scholarship program. Grants recommended by the donor.
United Way of South Mississippi Community Disaster Reserve Fund
Awards grants to 501(c)(3) non-profit organizations. Grants awarded by United Way.
United Way of South MS Operating Endowment Fund
To provide disbursements at the request of the United Way of South MS for Disaster Relief purposes.
Walter Anderson Museum Endowment
To benefit the Walter Anderson Museum of Art.
Pass Through Funds
Adalius Thomas Donor Advised Fund
To assist under served children and to support other charitable endeavors.
Bay St. Louis Rotary Community Hall
To be used for the planning, design, construction, furnishing and operating of public community center in Bay St. Louis, MS. Grants recommended by the donor.
Celebrate the Gulf Fund
Provides funding for local conservation groups to protect the Gulf of Mexico through education. Grants recommended by the donor.
Coastwide Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
Supports various Martin Luther King, Jr. activities and events across South Mississippi, as directed by the Coastwide Committee
Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Program Fund
To fund energy efficiency and renewable energy programs.
Explosion of Excellence
Scholarships for the top graduating seniors from public high schools in Jackson County. This program will be for educational purposes and not for profit of any individual sponsoring the same. Grants recommended by the Jackson County Chamber of Commerce.
Five Year Forward Event
Funds will be used to benefit the following charitable purpose of hosting a memorial event commemorating the anniversary of Hurricane Katrina and the recovery of the entire MS Gulf Coast. Grants recommended by the donor.
Friends of Hiller Park Fund
To support the revitalization of Hiller Park in Biloxi, MS.
Fund for Gulf Communities
For the purpose of providing grant support to organizations that serve individuals and marginalized communities harmed by the 2010 Deepwater Horizon oil spill.
Gay B. Graves Fund
Designated to support non-profit organizations and religious groups. Grants recommended by donor.
Good Works Fund
Gulf Coast Community Foundation Board designated grant fund. Grants awarded by GCCF Board of Directors.
Governor’s Cup of MS
Promoting the Governor’s Cup of Mississippi and administering the resulting proceeds to designated charities. Grants recommended by the donor.
Governor’s Public Policy Event
To fund public policy events on the Mississippi Gulf Coast hosted by the Governor. Grants recommended by the donor.
Gulf Coast Association of Realtors
Provides funding to specific non –profit organizations. Grants recommended by Gulf Coast Association of Realtors.
Gulf Coast Tourism Fund
Supports tourism and economic development efforts that are charitable in nature and qualify for grants under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. The Gulf Coast Tourism Advisory Board will recommend grants.
Gulf Coast Wind Symphony Fund
Organization Fund supports organizational expenses of the Gulf Coast wind Symphony. Grants recommended by the donor.
Gulfport Restoration Project/Kaboom Fund
To benefit the restoration of Owen Palmer Park, second street, Gulfport. Grants recommended by the donor.
Hancock County Charitable Assistance Fund
To support charitable endeavors in Hancock County or benefiting the people of Hancock County.
Hollie Gonsoulin Memorial Scholarship
Provides financial educational support to a member of the D’Iberville and Biloxi High School Dance Team each year in memory of D’Iberville High School student Hollie Gonsoulin.
Jeremiah J. & Annette S. O’Keefe Scholarship
A scholarship to a deserving senior at St. Patrick Catholic High School and a senior at Ocean Springs High School. Grants recommended by the schools.
Law Enforcement Appreciation Fund
Sponsors appreciation events and programs to support law enforcement members and their families.
Marsha Barbour Center Fund
Provides operating and program support for the Marsha Barbour Center.
Merit Health Biloxi Employee Assistance
Provides employee assistance for employees of Merit Health dealing with emergency situations that create financial hardships.
Michael Mixon Memorial Scholarship
To benefit a High School graduate from Biloxi High School.
MS Disaster Relief
To administer for the charitable purpose of assisting in disaster recovery along the Gulf Coast.
MS Gulf Coast Senior Games
To promote and sponsor the Senior Games held annually on the Mississippi Gulf Coast. Grants recommended by the donor.
MS Gulf Coast Senior Prom
To benefit the specific charitable purpose of promoting and sponsoring the Senior Prom held annually for senior citizens on the Mississippi Gulf Coast. Grants recommended by the donor.
MS Gulf Coast Youth Health Coalition
To support the charitable purpose and operation of activities and programs of the MS Gulf Coast Youth Health Coalition.
One Coast Neshoba Fair Committee
Established to increase local participation at the Neshoba County Fair and the profile of the Mississippi Gulf Coast among state leaders.
Partnership for Philanthropic Planning Fund
Provides funding for the local PPP Chapter.
Pass Christian Rebuild
The purpose of the Fund is to aid in the development and redevelopment of the geographical area and residents of U.S Postal Code 39571 and surrounding areas in Mississippi, in accordance with the Charette plans developed for this area and the Mississippi Gulf Coast following Hurricane Katrina’s impact. Grants recommended by the donor.
Pelican Fund
To benefit charitable purposes. Grants recommended by the donor.
Rebuild Bay St. Louis Fund
To refurbish flooded schools and to provide them with the necessary supplies; to provide aid to civic organizations to revitalize a once vibrant small business community. Grants recommended by the donor.
Rockin’ the Coast Fund
The purpose is to support programs of nonprofit organization. Grants recommended by a committee of employees of the Hard Rock Casino.
Ross Langston Scholarship
To be used for athletic scholarship for graduating seniors from any school in Harrison County. Grant recommended by the Langston’s board of directors.
Success Women’s Conference
Fund Supports an annual women’s conference in South Mississippi.
Women Against Violence Everywhere established this fund to raise money to purchase security cameras for the Biloxi Bay bridge.